
Companies that are able to use diversity equity and inclusion for business growth set themselves apart from their competitors. They are able to retain diverse talent, create trust in their brand, and lead in creativity and innovation. For this reason, many of the world’s leading companies have Chief Diversity Officers oversee and implement their DEIB strategy.

Yet, Chief Diversity Officers often face challenges that may appear insurmountable. They are tasked with developing a DEIB strategy, aligning DEIB and business goals, and institutionalizing DEIB practices and initiatives across the organization. As the DEIB field evolves, Diversity Officers™ equips Chief Diversity Officers with the knowledge, tools, and resources necessary to achieve these outcomes successfully.

I welcome you to Diversity Officers™ where we provide spaces to exchange knowledge and tailored solutions and training, ensure DEIB and bottom line success.


Dennis Kennedy
Founder and Chairman
Diversity Officers™